
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations – Digital

E-learning / 23 April – 21 May 2021 | Online, Slovak Republic

Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover in this digital activity what Erasmus+ Youth can do for you and the young people you work with.


In a set of asynchronous tasks (you do them when you please) and 5 short synchronous meetings (EVERY FRIDAY 15-17h CET, all participants meet online), we show you the possibilities Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps has to offer young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

An international youth project (youth exchange, voluntary service) might just be the life-changing opportunity for the disadvantaged young people you are working with: e.g. those from minority backgrounds, with special needs, with socio-economic difficulties, discriminated groups, in difficult situations, with limited opportunities…

This Mobility Taster course gives you concrete examples of what is possible, brings you in contact with other inclusion youth organisations, shows you what funding is available specifically for youth inclusion projects and walks you step-by-step through the process in case you would like to give it a try. And you get feedback on your (fictive or not) project proposals.


*This course is for NEWCOMERS to Erasmus+ Youth who are directly working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds (e.g. youth worker, social worker, refugee workers,…).

  • If you NEVER organised an international youth project with your target group before and would like to know what is possible, then this course is for you!
  • If you ALREADY HAVE organised mobility projects for young people, please check the European Training Calendar for a more appropriate youth work training because this Mobility Taster is for NEWCOMERS 😉
  • This course is not for school-related activities such as school exchanges or projects for pupils (please contact the Lifelong Learning colleagues of Erasmus+ for this). This course welcomes applicants with special needs (contact SALTO Inclusion representative tony@ salto-youth.net to ask about support possibilities).


  • Register online: click the APPLY NOW button on top of this page
  • Selected participants are requested to commit to the different activities to create a rich experience for all.
  • Register for the SALTO Inclusion newsletter or follow the SALTO Inclusion & Diversity Facebook page to be informed of future Mobility Tasters.
  • Or keep an eye on the European Training Calendar.

More information at: SALTO