
Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Name of the project: Youth exchange “Engage, connect and empower youth for a sustainable green future”

Date of Project:  01.11. – 06.11.2024.

Sending Organization: “BRAVO”

Hosting organization: “BRAVO”

Place:  Sarajevo, B&H

Participants age: 18 – 30

The number of participants: 5

Working language: English

Deadline for applying: 07.10.2024.

This project is supported and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It means that your travel costs, accommodation, and food will be fully covered if you get selected for the project. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission nor EACEA can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The project “Engage, connect and empower youth for a sustainable green future” is focused on two European Youth Goals: quality learning and sustainable green Europe. It aims at implementing a creative strategy in terms of capacity building for the new generation actually facing the problems of tomorrow related to environment degradation, climate change, and sustainability issues.

The target group of the project is youth trainers/workers, organizations, young activists in Albania, local/national authorities, and citizens of Albania and Europe. The project will focus on bringing the EU practices and translate them into tangible tools for youth in Western Balkan in order to fast forward the green transition. The core of the project, capacity building, will be achieved through a critical number of activities, such as ToT, Youth exchanges, toolkits and manuals. These activities will spill over throughout non-formal learning providers benefitting staff, youth, and key stakeholders in the process.

Overall, with this project Build Green Group will promote and improve capacity building for youth in important areas such as climate change awareness, environment digitalization, environmental justice, innovation & research, contribution to SDGs, and creation of fruitful partnerships. The topic addressed and activities designed to make the project have a local, national, and EU impact, specifically in bringing EU practices in WB.


The goal of this Youth Exchange is to explore ways to teach the tools learned from previous Training of Trainers (ToTs) and expand climate change education for more young people in the Western Balkans. During the exchange, participants will share their experiences, creating inspiring outcomes to showcase the achievements from the earlier ToTs. They’ll put their climate change education skills into practice, dive into public attitudes on the topic, and hold a public panel discussion. Participants will also discover various online and offline tools for running successful climate change campaigns. Beyond that, they’ll share their knowledge on environmental issues, prepare a public performance using hands-on methods to raise awareness about climate change, and learn how to respond. Additionally, they’ll receive training on environmental elements and the latest technology for spreading awareness.


The participant profile for this Youth Exchange is aimed at individuals aged 18 and above with a strong interest in climate change and environmental issues. Participants should be motivated to learn about climate change education, develop practical skills, and engage in discussions and collaborative activities. While prior experience in climate activism is not required, participants should be open to sharing their experiences and participating in public events, such as panel discussions and performances. Additionally, they will explore various online and offline tools for effective climate change awareness campaigns. A willingness to contribute to local communities and support climate action in the Western Balkans is essential.


Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. BRAVO is a professional organization based and focused on knowledge, entrepreneurship, civil society development, non-formal education and innovative learning and development techniques for young people and adults.

What makes this organization outstanding and ready to take responsibility are our key principles: tolerance, democracy, diversity, voluntariness and openness. We promote partnerships between the private sector, public sector and civil society for sustainable community development, advocating for the education of young people with an emphasis on skills needed in the 21st century, investing in entrepreneurship, innovation, non-formal education and sustainable local community development.


Hotel BM International****

Address: Pijačna 2, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Website: Hotel BM International

The hotel is located between the city center and Ilidža and offers comfort and quality service. It features separate bedrooms, kitchens, dining areas, and free internet. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided, as well as two coffee breaks daily. Participants should inform the host of any dietary restrictions by October 25th.

 Practical activities will be held in the conference rooms of BM Hotel as well as outdoors.


Bosnia and Herzegovina – 30€ per participant

How to apply?

Click here to open BRAVO – Application form

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM with in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.
  2. Deadline for applying: 07.10.2024.
  3. Selection results: 12.10.2024.
  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at: office@bravo-bih.com

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