
Webinar o ljetnom programu za srednjoškolce

ℹ️Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) je ljetnji program za srednjoškolce u trajanju od dva tjedna,koji organizira prestižni Yale univerzitet.

ℹ️Svake godine YYGS daje preko 3 miliona dolara stipendija,

ℹ️Zeva Manvi, pomoćnik direktora za prijem u YYGS program, vodit će 30-minutni webinar,

📅 srijeda, 25.9. u 17:00 h

💻Webinar je osmišljen da odgovori na pitanja u vezi s YYGS stipendija i prijava na iste,

🔗 Za registraciju slijedite link:

🇺🇸Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) is a two-week summer program that facilitates cutting-edge, academic conversations with high school students from around the world.

YYGS is committed to making the program as accessible as possible, distributing over $3M in need-based financial aid to both domestic and international students.

Zeva Manvi, Associate Director of Admissions at YYGS, will lead a 30 minute webinar is designed to answer common questions related to YYGS financial aid and scholarships.

Registration link:

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