
UfM Med Youth Lab 2024: Call for Applications

What is the UfM Med Youth Lab 2024?

Calling all young visionaries from UfM Member States, aged 18 to 29!

Are you eager to enhance your project development abilities and soft skills?

The UfM Med Youth Lab 2024 is a five-day skill-building event that aims to equip young individuals with project development and soft skills . The initiative will be held in Fes, Morocco from 25 to 29 of November 2024. The programmeincludes four days of teamworking on project proposals related to the thematic clusters as well as a final pitch event. Participants will exploring three thematic clusters: Green Skills, Youth Mobility for Educational and Professional Exchange, and Youth Engagement in Multistakeholder Dialogue (details are below).

The UfM Med Youth Lab 2024 is organized by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), with the support of the German Development Cooperation, in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes (UEMF) and in partnership with Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).

Venue of the UfM Med Youth Lab 2024: the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes (UEMF) Campus, Fes, Morocco


How can I apply to the UfM Med Youth Lab 2024?

Embarking on the UfM Med Youth Lab 2024 journey? Ensure a smooth application process with this checklist:

  1. Confirm your eligibility: Verify that you meet all criteria, including age, nationality, availability, travel document validity, proficiency in English, and a keen interest in the thematic clusters.
  2.  Financial coverage considerations: Check whether your nationality qualifies for financial coverage. We’re excited to welcome participants from all UfM Member States but not all selected applicants will be eligible for the full coverage of costs (i.e., travel and accommodation among others).
  3. Application guidelines: Thoroughly review the Guidelines for Applications document to understand the application process fully.
  4. Documentation preparation: Gather all necessary documents, such as a passport copy and a compelling motivation video (3 minutes max.). Additionally, consider including the optional documents of English language certificate (B2 or equivalent) and any evidence of expertise or experience in the thematic clusters if available.
  5. Submission timeline: Complete and submit the online Application Form promptly. The deadline is August 11th, 2024, at 23:59h (CEST). Due to the high volume of applications, we can only accept the first 300 submissions. The application portal will close automatically once this limit is reached.

Best of luck to all aspiring participants! Looking forward to welcoming you in Fes!

Guidelines for Applications

Application Form

Key Information on the UfM Med Youth Lab 2024


November 25-29, 2024


Fes, Morocco


Up to 60 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be 18-29 years old by time of the application
  • National of the UfM Member States
  • Valid travel document beyond 30/05/2025 (If you need to renew it, apply first, and the organizers will assist you if you are selected.)
  • An intermediate level of English (B2)
  • Previous knowledge or experience in one of the UfM Med Youth Lab thematic clusters

Financial Coverage

  • Up to 45 successful applicants from eligible countries, will benefit from the full coverage of travel, accommodation, visa and meals (read the  Guidelines for Applications carefully).
  • The eligible nationals are from Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Palestine, Tunisia, and Türkiye.

Application process

  • Personal and professional information filled in the online Application Form.
  • Mandatory attachments: Copy of a travel document and a motivation video in English (max 3 min).
  • Optional attachments: CEFR English certificate – or equivalent – with at least a B2 level, answer in the Application Form on which thermatic cluster you prefer to join.

Thematic Clusters of UfM Med Youth Lab 2024

Green Skills

Focused on developing skills for sustainable green transitions, crucial for addressing climate change and environmental challenges.

Youth Mobility for Educational and Professional Exchange

Enabling cultural exchange, enhancing employability, and acquiring new skills. 

Youth Engagement in Multistakeholder Dialogue

Ensuring youth involvement in policy discussions with governments, businesses, and civil society. 

Objectives of the UfM Med Youth Lab 2024

  • Engage 60 young individuals (aged 18-29) in skill-building sessions aligned with UfM Youth Agenda: Call for Action.
  • Foster the development of project proposals through teamwork and practical exercises.
  • Enhance participants’ soft skills to upscale their project ideas.
  • Promote dialogue between youth, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), international and regional organisations, and policy actors.


The UfM Med Youth Lab aligns with the UfM Youth Agenda: Call for Action, a guiding document that call Euro-Mediterranean stakeholders to recognize the transformative power of youth and empower them, focusing on three thematic priorities: Environment and Climate Action, Education and Employment, and Social inclusion and Participation. The initiative aims to operationalize the UfM Youth Strategy 2030 and aligns with the other activities of the UfM Youth Dossier, focused on fostering youth engagement in capacity-building activities and multistakeholder dialogue.

Emerging from feedback during the third edition of the Mediterranean Youth Academy (MYA), the UfM Med Youth Lab addresses the identified need for skill-building initiatives to empower Euro-Mediterranean youth in transforming their ideas into concrete projects. Furthermore, the thematic clusters of the UfM Med Youth Lab were developed from the UfM Youth Engagement initiative, a series of online meetings designed to foster youth participation in policy planning, implementation, and follow-up related to the UfM Youth Agenda’s thematic priorities. These meetings brought together representatives from UfM Member States, national youth councils, young professionals and advocates, CSOs, and other Euro-Mediterranean actors to discuss challenges and share best practices that will convene in a policy document to be presented at the final event of the UfM Med Youth Lab. 

UfM Youth Strategy 2030

UfM Youth Agenda: Call for Action

Got any doubts? Contact us!

We recommend that you carefully read the Guidelines for Applications document. If you have any doubts or challenges in submitting your application, please reach out to us via this email: medyouthlab@ufmsecretariat.org.

We wish you the best of luck!

More information at: https://ufmsecretariat.org/ufm-med-youth-lab-2024-call-for-applications/