
Online International Anti-Corruption Autumn School 2024

Eastern Europe and LDCs

Co-organized by the International Anti-Corruption Academy and
the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and with financial support of the Republic of Austria

Enroll now


23 – 27 September 2024

Application Deadline

16 August 2024


Free of charge




The 5-day International Anti-Corruption Autumn School for Students and Young People will build ethical skills and mindsets in students and young individuals and will raise awareness among them of the values and principles of integrity, ethics, and anti-corruption.

The Autumn School will equip the participants with:

  • Understanding on what corruption is and what are its harmful impacts on the society
  • Knowledge on how to recognize, resist, and prevent corruption
  • Exposure to the practical examples and unique insight into the topics from leading global experts
  • The opportunity to exchange views and experiences and develop a regional network

More information at: https://www.iaca.int/iaca-programmes/open-trainings/autumn-school.html