
Conference: fYOUture of YOUth 2.0 – Fostering active political participation of national minority youth in Europe

Conference – Symposium – Forum

27-31 October 2024 | Budapest, Hungary

The conference is designed to enhance the participation of national minority youth and their organisations at local, national and European levels.

This event will provide a platform for young people, practitioners, and decision-makers to engage in meaningful dialogue to better understand their needs and challenges to cooperate and participate in EU youth programmes and other relevant means, and tools that can support the participation of national minority youth.


The conference will:

  • Reflect on the realities: Raising awareness about how EU youth programmes can enhance the participation of national minority youth in these programmes. 
  • Offer space for exchange: Identifying the needs of existing practices, and tools together with various stakeholders based on the youth ecosystem model.
  • Focus on solutions: Developing possible strategies to overcome the challenges of participation of national minority youth in EU youth programmes and beyond. 
  • Advocate for change: By collecting recommendations on increasing the involvement of national minority youth and their organizations in the EU program creating a position paper


We are seeking participants who are representing the following target groups:

  • National minority youth and their organisations from various levels: Organized youth groups represented through their networks and organisations.
  • Youth workers: working with national minority youth or interested in enhancing the participation of this specific target group. 
  • Young people and youth leaders from majority and minority groups: Youth from both majority and minority communities
  • Decision makers: Representatives from various levels (local, national, European) involved in youth participation and national minority policy areas such as minority municipalities and/or minority associations. 
  • Organizations: Umbrella organizations of national minorities and other relevant entities (national youth councils, NGO’s and youth movements connected with the topic.


  • Interactive workshops and sessions focusing on analyzing the participation of minority youth in European programmes.
  • Networking and capacity-building opportunities for young people and their organizations.
  • Dialogue and co-creation with youth representatives and decision-makers.
  • Development of a position paper with international experiences and recommendations.


As part of the project, there is an initial and a follow-up online meeting you’ll need to attend before and after the residential conference in Hungary.

  • The online preparatory meeting is scheduled for 14th October from 10:00-12:00 CET.
  • The online follow-up meeting is scheduled for 12th December from 10:00-12:00 CET.


The conference program begins on Monday morning, October 28th, and concludes on Wednesday evening, October 30th, after dinner. Participants will arrive on Sunday, October 27th, and are welcome to stay at the venue until their departure on Thursday, October 31st. Accommodation is included and consists of shared rooms with private bathrooms, separated by gender. All meals are covered, starting with dinner on Sunday night and ending with breakfast on Thursday morning.

This conference is inclusive and accessible to all. If you need to bring a personal assistant or a guide dog with you, or if you need an accessible room, sign language interpretation, tele loop, or other kind of support, we will try to arrange it for you. In order for us to support you in your participation, we have included a question about your individual needs in the application form. Of course, this does not have any influence on your application.

More information at: SALTO