
European Digital Youth Summit #EDYS24 Seminar


16-21 July 2024 | Bucharest, Romania

The seminar will serve as the tool of sharing best practices among youth workers, educators & youths to enhance youth participation in three directions – green, social and digital. It will include: thematic workshops & study visits and a one-day summit.

This seminar will take place in Romania, between the 16th and the 21st of July’24 (16th and 21st being travel dates).

The seminar will serve as the tool of sharing best practices among youths, educators & youth workers to enhance youth participation and engagement in three directions – green, social and digital. 

The seminar will include:

  • parallel thematic workshops (green, social, digital)
  • 3 parallel study visits in Bucharest (green, social, digital)
  • the European Digital Youth Summit 24,  a one-day event which will bring together approx. 100 youths and stakeholders, in order to facilitate a meaningful dialogue around youth participation and empower youths to have their say in creating a positive change in their communities. Previous editions were organised under the High Patronage of the European Parliament.
  • The agenda can be consulted here.

Participants profile

For this seminar, we are looking for:

  • young people looking for becoming more  active in their own communities, youth workers, educators
  • strong motivation towards the objective of enhancing youth participation and the three focus directions (digital, green, social)
  • able to carry-out dissemination actions during and after the seminar
  • with a good command of English
  • able to share good practices and examples of youth participation innitiatives
  • aged 18+
  • we aim that at least 1/3 of the spots will be given to participants with fewer opportunities (e.g. economic difficulties, geographical obstacles, migrant/refugee/minority background obstacles)
  • Should have a sending organization with a valid OID no.

Check the infopack here.

The seminar is carried out in the frame of the Erasmus+ accreditation activities 2023-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-000138290 carried out by GEYC. Find out more about GEYC here.

More information at: SALTO