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Improv theatre & body awareness for youth workers/trainers/mentors/coaches/ESC

E-learning / 28 April – 26 May 2021 | Zoom, Netherlands

Online training course on Body awareness, Storytelling and Improv Theatre that will support you to express your thoughts and emotions freely and shamelessly with the world. With this course, you gain skills that will improve your career and private life.
Dear hungry for learning and growth people,

Association “ALTER Network” goes online with an online training course for youth and social workers. The topic: BODY AWARENESS, IMPROV THEATRE & STORYTELLING. We will learn together and practice:

how to ground and centre our bodies and explore the styles of movement that drive us in life;

how to approach in a playful and creative way people from different backgrounds, so that we can bypass their resistance and connect;

how to implement Storytelling, Body Awareness exercises and Improv in our work with young people, so that we can increase their inner motivation and encourage them to communicate their emotions;

how to create compelling workshops for our target groups;

how to tell a story that the others actually want to hear 🙂

how to implement those new skills into our work with others for better communication!

As youth workers and trainers, we (Joanna and Gemma) work all the time with our bodies. We move, we speak, we feel and express. We know how important is it in our work to be aware of the body, of the emotions that are living inside of it. After years of practice, we now know that movement and body awareness are important as a bridge when it comes to working with young people, especially people from a vulnerable background. In this course, we will speak the language of emotions (energy in motion).

This course will improve your communication skills, you will learn how to centre and ground your body and to support the others to do the same, how to be aware of your emotions and be more confident when it comes to performing and speaking. Most of all this course is to connect with yourself – with your body, voice and personal story!

We will meet every Wednesday (05 April & 05, 12, 19 26 May) between 19:30 and 21:00 CET in a comfortable ZOOM room and we will mainly do exercises and games. You will have the opportunity to practice (learning by doing) and to meet people from all over the world who have something to share and express.

The price of the course is 60 EUR for the 5 sessions. We keep it as low as possible (basically to cover our expenses), so that everybody can join and learn together. After you submit your application, we will send you an email with confirmation and practical information.

More information in our Info Letter here:

Can’t wait to meet you on this journey! Golden Energy, Joanna, Gemma & ALTER Network’s team <3

Available downloads: Improv & Body Awareness (1).pdf

More information at: SALTO

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