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International Youth Conference in Language, Literature and Education

International Youth Conference i Language, Literature and Education

The Conference aims to create a platform for youth, students, undergraduates, and graduates in arts, humanities, and social sciences, to assess, explore, promote, and understand current trends and values of language learning, multicultural understanding, freedom, democracy, and equality in the contemporary world. Language does not only express facts and observations, but it is also a unifying force and medium for displaying and exchanging concepts, ideas, meanings, and thoughts.

Language depicts and transmits all the achievements of human civilization and all the features of the objective and subjective world. Humankind has faced unprecedented crises of environmental destruction, pandemics, wars, and nuclear war threats. Now more than ever before, it has become clear that only by working together and joining forces, young people may resist all the issues and build a better world for themselves and the generations to come.

The Conference offers students an opportunity to communicate their understanding of the current trends in language, literature, and education in the changing society, to network and join forces in the pursuit of a better future. Participants are encouraged to explore the interdisciplinary subjects to assess and evaluate the prospects and challenges of the world in relation to language trends, culture, environment, media, and social issues in general, and how to respond to the challenges humanity is facing. The Conference seeks youth participants from all over the world to exchange their ideas and experiences in an intellectually stimulating academic environment at the International University of Sarajevo, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fundamental objective of the Conference is to provide students with an educational experience that prepares them for their future and to raise their awareness of the importance of working together to build a better world. Submitted papers will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, whereupon selected papers will be published in the book of proceedings.



The Conference is organized by the English Language and Literature, Teaching program and the English Language and Literature program of the International University of Sarajevo






The program is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in humanities, social sciences, and technical sciences, as well as recent graduates (those who graduated within the last three years) who are already working in the public and private sectors and are interested in developing their knowledge and expertise in the topics discussed at the conference. Applicants need to provide proof of their university student status or documentation showing they graduated within the last three years. This can be a student ID or any other relevant documentation.


Abstract submission: Organizers of the Conference welcome online submissions written in the English language that are closely related to the areas specified in the call for papers. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and they must clearly indicate the problem, objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions. Submitted abstracts must adhere to the set format. Abstracts that exceed the word limit or include graphics and tables will be rejected.

Authors are also advised to proofread their abstracts because abstracts will be reproduced from the online submission. Any error in spelling, grammar, or data will appear online or in print. Students are invited to submit their abstracts to by 15 August 2024. All participants should be aware that abstract submission does not guarantee inclusion in the program.

Paper submission guidelines:

The Scientific Committee will assess the quality of the papers and determine whether they will be suitable for publishing. Papers that have been previously presented or published will not be accepted. All submitted papers will undergo plagiarism check. Papers that include any plagiarism or AI generated text will automatically be disqualified.  Only the students who submit their full papers within the specified deadline will be allowed to present at the Conference.

Presentation Guidelines:

Due to time constraints presenters will not be permitted to exceed the time allotted for their presentation and for the question-and-answer session.


The participants will present their papers face-to-face, at the campus of the International University of Sarajevo, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In addition, there will be an online session, which will allow participants who cannot attend the live conference to present their papers.

AWARDING: Certificate of attendance from the organizers.


No participation fee is applied. The participants themselves need to cover the costs of their transportation and accommodation in Sarajevo. The organizers will cover the costs of the paper publication.


Prospective applicants should send their abstracts and papers to The results of the selection process will be communicated via e-mail within 10 working days following the receipt of the application.



It is strictly forbidden to plagiarize papers or use AI tools to generate texts. Such papers will be automatically disqualified and will not be included in the publication.


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