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Study visit: Local youth policy and democracy

Local youth policy and democracy

Study Visit

28 October – 2 November 2024 | Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe, Youth Department and the Democracy Reloading Partnership of Erasmus+ national agencies are organising this joint Study Visit for municipal youth policy practitioners.

The aim of the activity is to support local and regional authorities in designing and implementing participative youth strategies and structures for youth participation at local level. The activity is organised in the context of the revision of the European Charter on the participation of young people in local and regional life, the key European standards on youth participation developed by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the work of the Council of Europe Youth Department in strengthening local youth councils as key structures for youth participation in decision making. The activity is also based on the Democracy Reloading Reference Framework.

The study visit will:

Expected profile of participants of the study visit: Municipal youth policy officers of local / regional authorities , motivated and engaged in youth participation and youth policy development and implementation. Priority will be given to participants from the partners of the Democracy Reloading Partnership.

The content of the program:

The study visit will take place in the European Youth Center Strasbourg (France). 

More information at: SALTO

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