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Exchange Forum on the European Youth Work Agenda. Boosting national processes for youth work development

Exchange Forum on the European Youth Work Agenda. Boosting national processes for youth work development

Conference – Symposium – Forum

11-14 November 2024 | Leuven, Belgium – FL

Key stakeholders responsible for implementing the European Youth Work Agenda in their countries are invited to the 3rd “Exchange Forum on the European Youth Work Agenda: Boosting national processes for youth work development”.

The European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) intends to strengthen and develop youth work across Europe. Its implementation relies on vivid processes at national level. The Exchange Forum on the European Youth Work Agenda is the annual residential event for key stakeholders shaping the national processes within the context of the EYWA in their respective European countries.

Representatives of each country’s National Contact Point, who are responsible for supporting and managing the national processes, are invited to attend. This call is also addressed to key stakeholders which are shaping youth work development and representatives of the ministries responsible for youth and/or youth work and of the National Agencies for the EU youth programmes.

Aim of the conference

The aim is to provide a space for mutual inspiration, to offer the chance for exchange and knowledge-building about the progress made on the national processes, and to shape future co-operation and support.

The programme will include a variety of elements and methods, including a lot of opportunity for exchange, networking, reflection, co-creation, joint planning and exploring of funding opportunities. There will also be speeches, interactive workshops, discussions on thematic priorities, talks on inspirational practices, and a presentation of the findings of a survey on the current state of the national processes.

Why should you take part?

This is just the right event for you if you can`t wait to:

How to apply

Please apply if you are:

Countries are encouraged to participate in pairs or threes.

Should you be interested in attending the event, please apply by 23 August 2024 via this form:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Practical information

The event will be held at the Provincial Government Building in Leuven (Belgium). The organisers are committed to making the event as accessible to all (e.g. venue is wheel-chair accessible) and as sustainable as possible.

Further information

Find more information on the SNAC online:

The former cooperation project was called “SNAC European Youth Work Agenda” from 2021 to 2023.

The EYWA and its implementation process called “Bonn Process” are explained here:

More information at: SALTO

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