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Training Course: Take Part! Artistic expression for meaningful participation in addressing threats to Human Rights

Training Course: Take Part! Artistic expression for meaningful participation in addressing threats to Human Rights

Training Course

10-17 June 2024 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain

Art emerges as a powerful tool for empathetic communication, capable of addressing aesthetic and emotional dimensions of contemporary social issues.

@lps.demadrid has been working since 2013 on the use of Art as a social transformation tool.

In a world marked by increasing polarization in democracies, imaginaries of confrontation at the international level, and violence at the interpersonal level related to diverse inequalities, there is an urgent need to create peaceful referents and narratives reinforcing human rights and meaningful democratic participation.

We aim to empower 20 young artists, activists, and youth leaders with the skills to utilize art as a tool for effective political engagement, addressing contemporary local and global threats to human rights that particularly impact young people.


We look forward to welcoming you to this enriching training experience.

More information at: SALTO

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