10 October 2023 | France
You are about to join an interactive, participatory, and engaging training program designed for youth workers interested in leveraging the power of video games for civic education.
Join Now : https://classroom.google.com/c/NTk4MTE4NzI0NTc5?cjc=ejyiz65
You are about to join an interactive, participatory, and engaging training program designed for youth workers interested in leveraging the power of video games for civic education.
Open to participants from diverse cultural backgrounds, this 5-day course explores the positive impact of video gaming in fostering civic engagement among young people. It also delves into effective strategies for incorporating video games into traditional, non-digital activities.
Through a blend of workshops, discussions, and participant-led research, the course offers a multi-disciplinary approach, touching on psychology, sociology, and anthropology to deepen our understanding of youth gaming practices.
More information at: SALTO