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Open Call for 60 Participants for AHEAD Local Training

This project is supported and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It means that your travel costs, accommodation, and food will be fully covered if you get selected for the project. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission nor EACEA can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

More about AHEAD project:

AHEAD project aims to promote between youngsters non–discrimination and to combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance against Roma and other Ethnic minorities (mostly migrants). Partners jointly work on innovative good practice approaches, human rights-based narratives, training, official regular meetings, and European awareness raising campaigns. The project promotes inclusion, tolerance, mutual and multicultural understanding, and fight Roma, ethnic minorities, and migrants in Europe through an innovative approach that combines research, training (national and international) on antidiscrimination and on hate speech, round tables, seminars, the exchange of good practices, meetings between different representatives, stakeholders, CSOs, and youth associations, and a massive dissemination campaign.

The project aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity building of young victims (part of minorities) and the protection of youngsters belonging to minorities by supporting them in capacity building and structuring new mechanisms in public consultations in partner’s country (replicable all over Europe) on the issue of nondiscrimination and fighting every form of hate speech against ethnic minorities, Roma and migrants. 

AHEAD’s aim is to tackle hate speech (also online) and to combat discriminations that target minorities in 5 areas of civil rights: education, labor, housing, health, goods and services, through specific training offered to 200 participants and through an new approach that combines quantitative research, public meetings with stakeholders, and awareness raising campaign. After providing expertise, building competences, advocating and raising awareness among youth people, partners will support the mobilization of young victims and will focus on Capacity building actions for youth, in order to involve Youngsters in decision making and into new structured automatic mechanisms to empower their active participation on hate speech and antidiscrimination.


  1. Building a national and international community of youth workers, educators, youth activists, and youth designated to raise awareness about discrimination and develop an action plan aimed at combating discriminative and hateful narratives and practices
  2. Developing and strengthening youth’s capacity to identify, address, and confront hateful speech and discriminative narratives.
  3. Increasing the competencies of youth in the field of anti-hate speech and anti-discrimination activism as well as Human Rights Education
  4. Exploring various good practices and developing local awareness-raising campaigns and partnerships to raise awareness about discrimination


It is created for youth workers 18+ years old who are living in Bosnia and Herzegovina and are  eager to extend their knowledge, upgrade their skills, and broaden their horizons.

Participants must be able to communicate in English. Participants must attend all training sessions and actively participate in all phases of the project.

Ten participants will be selected during the duration of the training course to become members of the national Youngsters network which will work on the development of an action plan for recognizing and combating discrimination and hate speech in cooperation with local and regional organizations as well as local and state level authorities.


Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. BRAVO is a professional organization based and focused on knowledge, entrepreneurship, civil society development, non-formal education and innovative learning and development techniques for young people and adults.

What makes this organization outstanding and ready to take responsibility are our key principles: tolerance, democracy, diversity, voluntariness and openness. We promote partnerships between the private sector, public sector and civil society for sustainable community development, advocating for the education of young people with an emphasis on skills needed in the 21st century, investing in entrepreneurship, innovation, non-formal education and sustainable local community development.

Our teams work in the following fields/topics: Human Rights, Anti-Trafficking, People With Disabilities, Reproductive Health and STDs, Gender Equality and Combating Gender-Based Violence, Sports on a Daily Basis, Audio and Video Production, People with Fewer Opportunities, Organizing events, Entrepreneurship, IT and ICT, Technology, Humanitarian Actions, National and International Projects, Support in a Fight Against Criminal and Corruption, Startup Support, Consulting, Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Fake News & Fake Media, Refugee and Migrants, Creative Actions, but at the same time we work on publishing books, brochures, newsletters, flyers, affiliations and other publications, as well as a lot of others activities.

Firmly inspired by our vision, numerous BRAVO members are dedicated to promoting lifelong commitment in order to bring such ideas to life. Young people with various hobbies and backgrounds – from social activists, sport, art and IT enthusiasts, youngsters with interests in media, economy, law, security, etc –are gathered in one organization in order to translate the mentioned interests into concrete benefits for the social community, all while respecting the next principles and values: discipline, commitment, teamwork and collective responsibility, originality, safety, respect, integrity, transparency, diversity and openness.

Besides a plethora of locally implemented activities, 20 local partners, and 20 local projects, BRAVO has, for several years, served as one of the most successful platforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina for engaging more than several hundred members in learning about and experiencing Erasmus plus and other European programs.

BRAVO’s mission to spread such knowledge around and engage youth in opportunities they deserve – was enabled, among other things, by their commitment to gaining valuable partnerships. So, today, with 440 international partners and 69implemented international projects, BRAVO’s growth towards the above described vision is constant and promising.

Our vocation is easily inspiring others, since awareness raising campaigns, careful research during the preparatory phase of the projects, calls for new projects and training participants, language courses, and similar activities are followed by almost 8 000 followers on different social media channels.

Every BRAVO team, from social media, to project and event team, as well as special teams for specific project preparations is functioning upon described values and serves as a space for both personal and professional growth to its members, as well as reliable networks of young people to implement all phases of the project.


Participants will be accommodated at BM International Hotel. All travel costs are fully covered.




Bosnia and Herzegovina – 30€ per participant

How to apply?

Click here to open BRAVO – Application form

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM with in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.
  2. Deadline for applying: 30.09.2023.
  3. Selection results: 05.10.2023.
  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:

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