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Javni poziv za 12 učesnika/ca iz Bosne i Hercegovine za online trening

Javni poziv za 12 učesnika/ca iz Bosne i Hercegovine za online trening

U sklopu projekta TOURBINE u kojem učestvuje 7 zemalja, organizujem online Crach course putem Zoom platforme (na engleskom jeziku) na kojem će uzeti učešće ukupno 60 učesnika iz 7 zemalja partnera na projektu. Crash course je sastavljen od 4 modula i trajanje pojedinačnih modula je 90-120 minuta.

Svi zainteresovani iz Bosne i Hercegovine treba sa se prijave što prije jer je broj mjesta ograničen.

O projektu i treningu:

The 4th Industrial Revolution required the workforce to adapt and learn new skills at a fast-moving technological pace. However, it was the lockdown of the economy in 2020 that ignited remote working and new types of productivity and innovation, demonstrating that only those adept at lifelong and self-directed learning, and learning from the experience of others will be at an advantage. To assist NEET communities (young people not in employment, education, and training) apply the technology-intense-experience along with transversal skills and an entrepreneurial mindset, TOURBiNE investigates the future of work in the tourism sector as per the 2021-2017 EU Education Area and Digital Strategy and the 11 European Youth Goals 2019-2027 and suggests strategies to link training with portfolios of demonstrable evidence of transversal skills, micro-credentials, and validation methods in the community of practice. TOURBiNE establishes long-lasting partnerships in Turkey, Netherlands, Greece, Jordan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Egypt, and Tunisia in order to: a) mitigate skills gaps in education/training caused by rapids shifts in technology and society; b) promote transversal key competencies and rewind the tourism service design; d) assist employers to recruit and retain talents. Το boost innovation and connect teaching and learning practice to the world of work, the Partnership is launching an industry-related and praxis-validated SKILLS INFRASTRUCTURE for low-carbon i-tourism services. Youth empowerment is ensured through novel qualifications/competencies and the industry-related OPEN DIGITAL BADGE certification, acquired in non-formal and informal settings and the direct participation in 32 OER, Training, Teaching, Crash Courses, and Digital Skilling Tools and the design and delivery of 6 i-tourism services: the Experience-Based Tourism Route; 6 Heritage Games; the Community-based Tourism App presented to industry players at the World Tourism and Travel Fair ITB Berlin 2024.

Crash Course in Heritage Interpretation will be organized on the Zoom platform, and only selected participants can participate.

The crash course is composed of 4 modules:


Tuesday, August 29, 17.00 hours, Eastern European Time (EET)

Tuesday, September 05, 17.00 hours, Eastern European Time (EET)

Tuesday, September 12, 17.00 hours, Eastern European Time (EET)

Tuesday, September 17, 17.00 hours, Eastern European Time (EET)

TOURBiNE aims to advance heritage tourism by delivering high-quality experiences at heritage places and communicating cultural values: from natural monuments and ecosystems to sites and collections, from the arts to traditions and handicrafts. It is needed to demonstrate how the values of tangible-intangible, movable-immovable, and spiritual heritage assets can become catalysts for regeneration and development by being revealed and communicated.

Svi zainteresovani učesnici iz BiH je potrebno da se prijave putem e-maila najdalje do 28.08.2023. putem e-maila:

U prijavi je potrebno navesti: Ime i prezime, datum i mjesto rođenja i adresu.

Učesnici koju budu selektovani za učešće na online traningu dobit ce link za Zoom.

Udruženje “Mladi Volonteri”

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