28-31 March 2023 | Kalamata, Greece
The European Year of Youth highlighted the importance of European youth to build a better future – greener, more inclusive and digital.
The pandemic has accelerated online learning in the youth sector. The HOP Online Learning platform was an important tool for National Agencies, SALTOs and youth organisations to continue to provide learning opportunities for young people and youth workers during the pandemic. These opportunities continue to exist and are growing, even post-pandemic.
To bring together different stakeholders of online learning to explore and increase the quality of online learning for the youth sector.
- To introduce HOP as an online learning platform that can host courses within Erasmus+/Youth and European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
- To highlight needs, blocks and opportunities in online learning.
- To exchange and explore good practices of online learning.
- To reflect on the findings of the Research “Key Quality Features and Formats of Online and Blended Learning for the Youth Work Field and Non Formal Education”
- To contribute to the online learning of the future and develop future strategies.
Target Group
This activity is for:
- HOP Council Members
- NA/SALTO Staff (course providers)
- Trainers, Facilitators, Authors of online courses. (course designers and facilitators)
- Youth Workers, and Young people interested in online learning (learners)
The above group should be over 18 years old and able to communicate in English.
The activity will take place in Kalamata 28-31 March 2023 at Elysian Hotel (https://elysianhotel.gr/)
28/03 and 31/03 are considered travel days. You are expected to come in Kalamata by 28/03 night and leave 31/03 after breakfast.
For safety reasons, all participants will be accommodated in single rooms.
More information at: SALTO